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Information about auction

On January 16, 2025, the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Poznań is organizing the 33rd International Auction of Valuable Oak Wood.

Sales Policy 2025

The volume of oak wood available for sale is around 750 m3 and includes around 300 m3 of veneer quality logs. The wood comes from the following forestry districts: Grodzisk, Kościan, Krotoszyn, Łopuchówko, Piaski, Pniewy and Taczanów.

The raw material will be available for viewing between 13-15 January 2025: 

  • forestry at Jelonek and Sokołówka, Nadleśnictwo Krotoszyn, tel. +48 62 725 32 69; 
  • exhibition ground in the village of Biadki near Krotoszyn; 

The locations of the exhibition grounds where the viewing is possible are presented below on the Google map.



The auction will be held at the Wawrzyniak Hotel in Perzyce (3 km from Krotoszyn in the direction of Wrocław), tel. (62) 721 43 00.

Company registration starts from 8:00 a.m., the beginning of the auction will be at 9:00 a.m.

The auction calatog containing the charasteristics of individual pieces of raw wood material will be published from January 13, 2025 at Aukcja cennego drewna dębowego - Regionalna Dyrekcja Lasów Państwowych w Poznaniu - Lasy Państwowe and will be avilable from January 16, 2025 on all exhibition grounds. 

Detailed information is available at the office of the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Poznań, tel.: + 48 61 8668241 lub mail: marketing@poznan.lasy.gov.pl.

The main language in which the documents are published and the auction will be conducted is Polish.

Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Poznań is certified by PEFC

The photo shows a dog sitting in front of a timber. Fot. Katarzyna Dolata-Wiciak (RDLP w Poznaniu)